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Your Desert Gardening Calendar pt.1

In this three part blog, your trusted Las Vegas landscaping experts are going to teach you how to effectively take care of your lawn and garden during each month of the year. In part one, we will discuss the first few months of the year.


This is at the height of the cold season. Even though it doesn’t snow in Las Vegas, the ground can still get frosty. Be sure to avoid walking on your lawn because this can greatly damage it. Because the ground will be laden with frost, it’s likely you won’t have the ability or the need to mow it.

Now is also the time to start pruning deciduous trees. These types of trees in fully in their dormant state at this time so pruning won’t do them any harm. When pruning, the tops should be thinned out but no branches should be removed. This is also the best time to prune rose bushes. Keep in mind roses don’t stay in their dormant state for as long as trees do so you only have a small window of time to prune them.


The weather is still fairly cold in this month. As spring approaches, strong winds also gust through the Las Vegas valley. Any new plants are at risk of getting damaged by the strong, chilly winds. Be sure that any new plants are staked in securely to withstand the weather. Keep them well watered.

It’s important to remember when planting new fruits and flowers for the approaching spring season to finish it all by Valentine’s Day. Any later and the plants will likely not survive.

Now that the weather is starting to warm up some, any plants that were frozen over during the winter will begin defrosting. Do not, under any circumstances, prune these plants. This can further damage them and cause them to die.


During the spring season, you will start watering your plants more often. Be sure to abide by the Southern Nevada Watering Authority Drought Watering Restrictions Guide and reset sprinklers accordingly.

Your plants at this time will begin awaking to flourish soon. You’ll want to be sure they are fertilized well using a 15-15-15 type fertilizer for best results. Flowering plants need low level of nitrogen in order to bloom properly. If you are having trouble bringing your plants back to life after the winter season, contact the Las Vegas landscaping experts to help.


Now is the time to begin planting for summer. Some good choices are the gazana, ice plant, or verbena. Be sure to use a pre-emergent weed control solution immediately after planting.

Your lawn will need extra care this month to prepare for the approaching triple digit weather. Your trusted Las Vegas landscaping services can inform you of the proper fertilizers to use. April is the best month for the reseeding and aerating of your lawn. However, this should only be done once every two years.

Check out our blog later this week to find out the best gardening and landscaping tips for months May through August. In the mean time, if you are in need of landscaping services, consider Showcase Land Care. They offer specials for new customers. Contact the pros in landscaping Las Vegas homeowners trust most at 702.531.6789.

Most Common Problems in Desert Lawns

Living in the hot, hot desert, it seems like a miracle if our lawns are green and flowers are blooming. Of course, it really isn’t that hard to keep your Las Vegas landscaping healthy. It just takes some extra care and watering. As attendant as you may be to your lawn, there are a plethora of problems that can arise and destroy all the work you’ve accomplished. So, your trusted landscapers have compiled a list of problems in order from least to most common with simple solutions.

Insect Infestation

Pesky insects such as larvae, chinch bugs and leafhoppers like to feed on grass. This results in discoloration and bald spots in our lawn. These infestations usually occur if the lawn is over watered. It seems odd to think that plants in a desert can be over watered, but it is a true fact. A simple solution to this problem is to water your lawn appropriately. This means not watering between the hours of 7 p.m. and 2 a.m. Also be aware of the weather forecast during the summer. If the summer rains are approaching, turn off your sprinkler system.

Mineralized Soil

When your lawn starts appearing pale and your efforts to fertilize it aren’t working, you can attribute it to the excessive amounts of alkaline in the soil. Common human activities can cause this. Things like changing a car’s oil, painting or dumping out solvents into the lawn will cause this. Also, shallow watering too frequently will wash away all the nutrients and cause minerals to build up. In order to stop this problem, you’ll need to invest in organic fertilizers. If you have trouble determining which ones are right, contact our Las Vegas landscaping services.

Soil Compaction

Your landscape will appear thin and patchy. You’ll notice some areas look under watered while others look over watered. This is caused by a buildup of dead grass and foot traffic. It will cause the soil to compact which will kill the grass. We recommend that you dethatch your lawn in the fall once every two years. This can be done using a rake or attaching a blade to your lawn mower. This will remove all the excess dead grass and restore its health. Also, try to avoid walking along the grass as often as possible to extend its life.

Inadequate Sprinkler Coverage

This will be visibly obvious if you have both green and brown patches of grass in your lawn. Your sprinklers could be failing to cover the entire landscape for one of the following reasons:

  • Clogged sprinkler nozzle
  • Broken pipe underground
  • Improper spacing between nozzles
  • Different nozzle heads
  • Nozzle heads turn the wrong way
  • Nozzle heads are loose

Hire a trusted Las Vegas landscaping service to inspect your sprinkler system to determine the problem. Consider Showcase Land Care. They offer awesome discounts for new customers. For more information about a Las Vegas landscaping service you can count on, contact 702.531.6789.

Fall Is Prime Time for Planting Trees

You want your Las Vegas landscaping to look its best, right? Well, then perhaps you’ve considered adding a tree or two in your yard. Not only will it enhance the appearance but it will provide shade for you during the rough summer months. So, when is the ideal time to plant a tree? Short answer: Autumn.

Especially in Las Vegas, summer is completely out of the question. The sun is too hot and will dry out the new plant, which ultimately kills it. Because summer tends to drag into early fall in this city, you’ll want to plant it late in the fall season. Right before big winter coats are necessary is the best time.

Because it’s that ideal time of year, you’ll probably look into sprucing up your yard now. There are a few vital things to know to ensure your planting is successful. Your trees will be more likely to prosper if you plant them when they are dormant. Conveniently most trees begin their dormancy period come fall season. Now what exactly does this mean? This is a temporary diminution of the plant’s growth. It will start up again when spring approaches. Because the plant is not in the immediate process of growing, you won’t be disturbing it when transplanting to your Las Vegas landscaping.

There are two main types of trees that work best when planted in autumn: deciduous and evergreen. You can tell that a deciduous tree is entering dormancy when the leaves become orange and fall to the ground. Some common deciduous trees you will find in Las Vegas are Ash, Birch, Cottonwood, Palm, Sycamore and Willow trees.

Evergreen trees, on the other hand, aren’t as obvious as their counterparts. In fact, the term evergreen directly means that the foliage will remain its same color no matter the season. Just because they won’t blatantly appear dormant comes fall doesn’t mean you can’t plant them. Common evergreens found in the Las Vegas desert are the acacia, pine, pepper and olive trees.

Once you have transplanted either your deciduous or evergreen trees into your Las Vegas landscaping, you can’t forget to water them. We know that the weather won’t seem as dry because the air feels cooler, but failure to water them when they are first making home in your yard with cause them to die quickly. You should give your new trees a deep watering in late fall to ensure the roots will have plenty of fluids. This will also allow the trees to receive the necessary nutrients prior to the winter freeze. You should keep up with watering the trees on warmer days in the winter to promote good health come spring season.

If you don’t have a green thumb but want to beautify your yard, contact the experts in landscaping Las Vegas homeowners rely on. Showcase Land Care can provide excellent services in matters of both your front and back yard. Not only will they plant new trees but they can also maintain them. Contact them today to learn about specials for new customers. For more information about Las Vegas landscaping, call 702.531.6789.

Know Your Cacti

We’ve talked time and time again about the different variety of plants suitable for Las Vegas landscaping. Perhaps attempting to grow a garden just seems to difficult. No worries, you can still have a green landscape, it just might be a little prickly. Cacti is a great way to spruce up the appearance of your yard without having to put in extra effort to maintain it. What many people don’t realize is that there is plenty of cacti species that actually grow vibrant flowers so you can still enjoy the appearance of a typical garden. Our trusted Las Vegas landscaping experts put together a list of the best looking and easiest to maintain cacti.

Super White Zebra Haworthia

Alright ladies, you’re sure to love this plant. We see you all walking around with your zebra print purses, phone cases and hair accessories. So, why not have a groovy landscape with a similar style. Yes, this plant has stripes resembling zebra print. You can express your personality and creativity by lining your landscape with this cactus.

Devil’s Tongue Barrel Cactus

This is cactus has very sharp prickles but it will look amazing in your yard. This is one of the types of cacti the grows gorgeous flowers. The flowers are a deep shade of purple and the cactus is lined with a rich red spine. This can add a spruce of color to your yard.

Argentine Toothpick Cactus

If you have a large front yard, this cactus will look great as the centerpiece. It’s similar to the giant saguaro, but it grows faster. The spines are about four inches long which is how the cactus was named. During the late spring and summer, white flowers will sprout along it. This can truly be a breathtaking addition to any Las Vegas landscaping project, so long as it’s handled with safety gloves.

Jaws Hardy Agave

This is a simple cactus, but it will still add to your yard’s beauty. The edges of the plant resemble shark’s teeth. The cactus is a deep shade of green that can provide excellent contrast to any blue tones you may have in your yard. Though it isn’t an extraordinary plant, it can complement other more eccentric cacti.

Variegated Spanish Dagger

This type of cactus somewhat resembles the appearance of a bush, only the maintenance is much more simpler. The green leaves are striped with various shades of yellow and gold. It can also make as a great complement to other more colorful cacti.

If you decide to change your Las Vegas landscaping to a desert theme including these unique cacti, contact the pros at Showcase Land Care. They can turn your front yard into a masterpiece and they even offer affordable rates. For more information about cacti maintenance, contact the experts in landscaping Las Vegas homeowners rely on at 702.531.6789.

Petunias and Pansies for the Fall Season

Everyone wants to have a gorgeous yard filled with colorful flowers. This can be hard to maintain as the weather changes in the upcoming months. Fortunately, there are flowers that actually flourish in the fall weather. Petunias and pansies are two of them. Planting them at the beginning of fall will actually lead them to last longer and bloom larger.

Most people make the mistake assuming nearly all flowers are supposed to be planted during the spring. Planting petunias or pansies in the spring will actually result in a very sad looking garden.

Though petunias and pansies seem to prefer the cool weather season, it’s important to note that this only applies to Las Vegas weather. It gets cool enough for them to flourish but not too cold for them to freeze and die. The dry climate and lack of extreme cold temperatures are ideal. Because of their liking to the Vegas winter, hotels on the Strip will change out their gardens every winter to include these beautiful flowers. The vibrant colors will glow during the winter which will attract more tourists.

Everyone’s Las Vegas landscaping during the winter time often looks sad and bleak. The grass is brown, the trees lackluster and shrubs lose any substance they once had. Planting petunias and pansies will give each landscape a boost of color to keep spirits high even in the drab winter.

Now when it comes time to actually planting, you’ll want to start in the middle of summer. For petunias, you’ll start the growing process indoors. Plant them in indoor pots for a few months before transferring outdoors, which will be when they start sprouting leaves. Be sure to keep them well hydrated for best results. Once you transfer them outside, they require less maintenance as they’ll only need water about once a week.

Pansies also should begin the growing process indoors, but they’ll only take about a month to get started. Be sure to remember that pansies require more water than petunias even when planted outside.

Perhaps, you aren’t a big fan of either these two flowers. No worries; there are actually a handful of other plants that flourish in a similar manner in low temperatures. These include:

  • Alyssum
  • Calendula
  • Hollyhock
  • Voila
  • Snapdragons
  • Bachelor button
  • Calliopsis
  • Candytuft
  • Gaillardia
  • Nierembergia
  • African daisy
  • Larkspur
  • Poppies
  • Sweet peas
  • Virginia stocks

If you aren’t confident in your gardening abilities, contact the experts in landscaping Las Vegas homeowners trust. The landscapers at Showcase Land Care can create a beautiful garden for you with no problem. They even offer discounts for new customers. Contact the landscaping Las Vegas company at 702.531.6789 for more information.

Time to Plant Your Cool Weather Veggies

Now that the weather is starting to cool down, it’s time to start gardening for your cool weather Las Vegas landscaping. Yes, even in the dry desert you can grow a luscious garden. So, when it comes to fall gardening, what are the best plants?

The following are most successfully grown when planted between September and November:

  • Lettuce
  • Carrots
  • Beets
  • Parsley
  • Spinach
  • Onions
  • Garlic
  • Turnip
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • Beans

Now that you know what to plant, you need to know the step-by-step process to ensure they grow large.

First thing to note, while these plants can be successfully when planted anytime throughout the fall, they will flourish most if planted prior to Columbus Day, which is October 13 this year.

Step 1: Find the right location

The plants will be most healthy if planted close to your house. We recommended planting right along side your kitchen, so you can easily keep an eye on them to better keep pests away. Also, if it’s right by your kitchen, you can more easily access the vegetables for eating. Keep in mind that the plants need at least six hours of sunlight a day so avoid any shade.

Step 2: Prepare the soil

The natural soil in this dry desert is essentially dead, so this alone won’t do anything for your plants. You need soil that is organic with proper drainage. You can talk with the Las Vegas landscaping experts about what type of organic soil will work best for the plants you choose to grow. If you are on a tight budget, you could create your own compost to use instead. Of course, this can take months to make just right so you’ll want to get that started at the beginning of summer.

Step 3: Read the seed packets

It seems obvious, but some people fail to do this thinking that it isn’t necessary. Well, seed packets can actually tell you a lot about the plant and what exactly it needs. This can help you determine spacing between seeds and how deep to plant it.

Step 4: Water the plants

Even though the hot sun isn’t beating down on the plants during the fall, you still need to water them efficiently. When you initially plant the seeds, the soil should always be kept moist. Once the plant has started to grow, just check that the soil is moist as least a few inches from the top.

If you aren’t confident in your gardening abilities or need help maintaining it as the weather grows colder, contact the experts in landscaping Las Vegas homeowners rely on. Showcase Land Care can properly maintain your garden to ensure it remains prosperous throughout the entire season. For more information about fall Las Vegas landscaping, contact 702.531.6789.

Create Soil for Desert Gardening

We’ve said it once, we’ll say it again: The healthy desert landscaping Las Vegas gardeners love is almost completely dependent on the health of the soil you are planting in. Of course, sun and water are factors as well, but none of that matters if the roots of your plants aren’t buried in nutrient rich dirt. So, here are some tips that will help you know what kind of desert dirt you’re dealing with and how you can supercharge it.


You will find sand in your yard if you live close to a wash, dry riverbed or an arroyo. If you find this in your yard, you are in luck. Land made of this material is easy to dig up and easy to infuse with nutrient rich soils. Just remember that sand tends to dry out quickly. So you need to be prepared to water more often. Alternatively, you can keep reading for steps on how to make the most of your gardening space.

Clay and caliche

Living in Las Vegas, you are much more likely to run into clay and caliche. If you have this in your yard, you may just want to call a landscaping company Las Vegas trusts. Clay and caliche can be almost impossible to dig through without the help of a pick axe or a digging bar.

Fix it!

Now that you know what kind of dirt you are dealing with, you have to supercharge your sand or clay. If you don’t you will be very disappointed with the lack of growing that happens in your plots.

The first thing you want to do to create the nutrient rich soil we mentioned before is double-dig the ground. That means you dig down at least 12 inches to aerate the soil. This allows roots to grow deep into the ground. It takes hard work, but the effort is well worth the trouble.

If double-digging seems too strenuous, you can create raised beds for your plants. You can make raised beds with just about anything. The more popular options are recycled crates, cement blocks and reclaimed bricks. Build your bed and fill it with organic, nutrient-infused soil.

It is also a good idea to add compost to your soil as an added dose of good stuff for your plants. If you are just starting out, you can buy organic compost from the local nursery or department store. In the future, think about making your own compost as your garden matures.

Once you know what kind of soil you are dealing with, you can decide if you are going to DIY or call Showcase Land Care. If you call, you can trust these experts in the landscaping Las Vegas relies on to get the job done to your specifications at an affordable price. For more information about the best landscaping Las Vegas offers, contact 702.531.6789.

Gardening In the Desert: Gardening Edibles in Small Areas

Living in Las Vegas means that land for gardening may be tough to come by. However, that does not mean you can’t still grow a garden full of yummy edibles. Follow these suggestions from the landscaping company Las Vegas trusts and you will have a small garden bursting with green treats.

Be smart with your containers and garden dimensions

Be creative with the use of your gardening space. A plot that is 4×8 feet or two 4×4 feet plots will work perfectly. If you live in an apartment, use planter pots. Make sure your vegetables have plenty of room to grow by getting as large of pots that your balcony will allow. While the clay ones may be prettier, plastic pots are better at keeping the water where it needs to be.

Feed them well

As long as your plants get enough sun and nutrients in the soil, they will thrive, even in pots. Plants need at least 6 hours of sun a day.

For plants in pots, buy organic, nutrient-rich soil. If you have a yard and you are building plots, double-dig the beds. This is so the roots of your plants will have plenty of room to grow. It also helps if you raise the beds a little. Raised beds allow you the room to add mulch and is great for draining.

Small gardens tend to use up the available nutrients a lot faster so make sure you remember to recharge the soil in your plots or post after every season.

Plant for the season.

Las Vegas has extreme temperatures that can be tough for a lot of plants to survive in. Don’t forget to consider the time of year when you are planning your garden.

Cool season plants include lettuce, spinach, garlic, onions, artichokes, asparagus, garbanzo beans and bok choy. Plant any of these in the fall for the best results.

Warm season plants are tomatoes, corn, cucumbers, peppers, melons and most beans. Plant these in the spring for the best results.

Since Las Vegas gets most of its rain during the summer monsoons, that technically counts as a separate season. So in June, you can think about planting warm season plants that require more water like watermelon.

A word of caution

Tomatoes are a favorite for many Vegas gardeners because they are low maintenance and can handle the desert temperatures. Just be sure to get the right type of tomatoes for optimal success. These include the cherry tomatoes, pear, grape and Roma tomatoes.

If you have a yard to work with, small fruit trees can be fun. Pomegranate trees have beautiful flowers and multiple health benefits to the fruit. Fruit trees just require a lot of pruning and maintenance so keep that in mind.

Remember, you can always call one of the landscape companies Las Vegas gardeners rely on to make your gardening dreams a reality. Showcase Land Care are experts with years of experience and affordable pricing. For more information about this landscaping company Las Vegas trusts, contact 702.531.6789.

Successful Desert Gardening: Pt 2

In part one of this guide, you learned a bit about the research stage of creating your dream garden. In part two, it’s time to get to work!

Work the land. Hard.

If you skimp in preparing the soil, you will be stuck with a mediocre crop. Dig deep and aerate the soil. Add compost and maybe straw or shredded newspaper. If you do this right, you won’t have to keep repeating the process. You’ll also have a harvest you can be proud of.

Consider adding height to your garden as well. You’ll probably notice the ground rising as you build up the soil anyway. So make it pretty with borders that will help contain the mulch.

Water deep.

In the beginning, it is better if you water your plants deeply. You may think you are over watering the plants but you are actually encouraging them to grow deep roots. In the summer months, this is a very good thing.

Maintain aerobic soil.

Aerobic just means high oxygen. A soil that is high in oxygen will be home to the good bacteria that are great for plants and humans. Anaerobic, meaning low oxygen, soil will be the smelly breeding ground for harmful bacteria. Pesticides , synthetic fertilizers and just the right amount of water will help keep your soil aerobic.

Keep a happy ecosystem.

The truth of the matter is that you need bugs and germs for your garden to stay healthy and happy over the long-term. Try to avoid the use of pesticides in all cases. The chemical sprays that kill bad bugs and germs kill the good ones too. If you absolutely must, there are organic options that font cause so much damage to you or your garden.

Learn how to compost.

On its own, desert soil is dry with little nutrients. Learning how to make your own compost will save you money and save your garden. Experiment with different compost recipes. The end result should look almost black and smell earthy. If it stinks like garbage, something is wrong. Get advice on how to create the compost by a landscaping company Las Vegas trusts.

Add garden friends!

After some time, you may start feeling like you really have the hang of this gardening thing. When that happens, consider adding more life to your garden. If you have the space, chickens, goats and bees can all be wonderful additions. They can provide you with even more sustainable options for your home. Who knows, you may find you want an entire desert farm.

For those of you who are interested in having a garden without the initial work, call the professionals in landscaping Las Vegas trusts. Showcase Land and Care are experts that can care for your home garden. With years of experience and affordable pricing, they are the right choice. For more information about landscaping company Las Vegas loves, contact 702.531.6789.

Successful Desert Gardening: Pt 1

We’ve talked before about how difficult it can be to maintain a happy and healthy garden in the desert. The ground is hard, the heat is harsh, and the insects are vicious. Thankfully, that doesn’t mean you can’t have the garden of your dreams. In part one of this successful desert gardening guide, you’ll get tips about how to get your garden started.

Maintain positive realism.

It is important to stay positive. Don’t let yourself get discouraged about the journey ahead before it even begins. It is equally important to stay realistic. Gardening in the best of climates is unpredictable. This is even more true in the desert. Sometimes plants will die and bugs will overrun your plants. It happens to the most experienced green thumbs.


Growing an organic home garden is a relatively new hobby. Don’t be afraid to plant things out of season. Plants that aren’t “supposed” to do well in the desert may surprise you as well. Play around and have fun with the plants you choose for your garden.

Plan ahead.

If you are looking for a quick afternoon activity once or twice a week, look elsewhere. Gardens are a lot of work in the beginning, so plan for that. You have to dig and prepare the harsh desert soil to sustain life. Once the garden matures, things get easier so don’t quit.

Also take some time to plan what you want to grow in your garden. In this stage, research is key. You can contact landscaping companies Las Vegas trusts to get the inside scoop on what plants grow best in which seasons. There are also numerous resources online for this.

Know where you will plant short crops in relation to tall crops. Know where you will plants that stay planted year round. Know what area will be designated for replanting each season.

If you plan this out with a drawing, you are much more likely to achieve long-term gardening success. Like we said before, gardening is hard work. If you approach this with a willy-nilly mindset, you won’t get far.

Perhaps the most important thing to plan for is what you will do with your harvest. It would be a terrible waste to put in all the work just to have a majority of your crop be composted. Talk with the families in your community. There may be people who would be open to trading crops if they garden as well. You can also research canning and other ways to preserve your harvest.

Start in the sun.

In the desert, this probably sounds counterproductive but it’s not. When plants are first starting out, they need full sun. You can always add to your garden to provide shade later.

Plan more.

Learn what plants work well together and which ones don’t. This is called companion planting. Choose a variety of plants then plan for the plants to touch once they reach full maturity. You protect the roots of the plants from too much heat and you get more harvest in the end.

Now that you’ve planned and planned, it is time to get started on the fun part. You can keep reading on to part two of this guide or you can call the professionals in landscaping Las Vegas trusts to get the job done right. Contact Showcase Land and Care for more information about landscape companies in Las Vegas, contact 702.531.6789.