Let your kids help grow your garden.

When it comes to getting children interested in something that’s not toys or the TV can be rather difficult, but planting a garden might help.That’s why you have to make it sound like its fun, which in some cases it actually can be. Gardening is a great way to teach your children a little about the outdoors and plants. This also will teach them how to be responsible with taking care of their own little garden. Gardening overall is a great way to get the whole family outside to have a little fun and to get a little messy. But by the time the garden is complete everyone has something to be proud of.

Getting your kids infolded with your garden is a great life lesson. Plus this can be a way to spend time with the family and get them out of the house. Once the kid learns that they can play in the dirt and get messy you will have their full attention. Start off by having them help you dig holes for plants to go in.  One the hole is dug show them how to place the plant into the hole and to cover it up. After a few you will notice your child asking to do one by themselves. Let them go for it and help them along the way. It’s a great way to bond with the whole family and make some great memories. To get them really interested go to the store and get them their own little set of garden tools. They will take pride in these tools and will always want to help.

Do some learning exercise while you are gardening.  This is a way to teach kids to learn without them really know they are learning. If you have smaller children just learning colors this a great way to help them learn. As you grab a plant as them what color the flowers are and make it into a game. They will enjoy this and take in knowledge at the same time. For older kids this is a great way to start teaching responsibility. Have them plant their own little section of the garden and have them take care of it. If they want to keep their flows and plants alive then they have to put in the work to keep it this way. This will also teach respect.

Gardening can bring families together. It allows you all to complete a project and when it gets to the end you can all sit back and say we did this. It’s great to get the kids involved because they like to feel as if they helped you accomplish something, which they have. IF you think of it gardening isn’t just all about putting plants into the ground, it’s about  patience and taking care of something. It’s a great way to teach your kids about the plants and also helpful with basic learning essentials. For the older kids it’s a great start to teach them how to care for something and how to be responsible.  If you’re thinking of relandscaping your front or back yard and it’s too big of a job for the family to do give Show Case Land Care a call and have them help you make your dream come true.

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