Some Information on Natural Lawns

Feeding a landscape with natural products and materials depends on creating a living system in the soil. Natural land care and feeding count on materials to increase biological activity in order to make natural plant foods work faster for longer periods of time. These keep landscape lush and green. It is of note that natural lawn foods average less than half the nitrogen and many are less than a third as strong as chemical fertilizers. When feeding a lawn counsel a professional landscaper to be informed of many things natural lawn foods do for soil and the many other significant contributions they provide for the landscape.

There are few places where a single type of grass grows, and excludes all other plant life. The challenge of land care specialists, especially natural landscapers, is to make an efficiently functioning system resulting in an emerald green lawn. This can be a daunting task when it comes to weed, pest, and disease control. Feeding a lawn with natural materials is fairly easy if a finely screened compost, minerals to balance soil, and a subtle source of nitrogen is available.

Providing a landscaped lawn with large doses of nitrogen is not as much of an issue when caring for a lawn naturally. Nitrogen applied to a lawn treated with natural materials replenishes lost nitrogen when clippings are not recycled back into the turf during mulching. When clippings are recycled mechanically, nitrogen is supplemented in small amounts to assist in decomposition and provide additional food to microbes. Keys to feeding a lawn naturally are working with soil and letting biology work.

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