Preparing for Spring: Part Two

In the last post, raking, loosening soil compaction, and liming was covered. These first steps are just the start to having a beautiful lawn for the year.

Often after all the harsh weather and treatment of winter months a lawn can be riddled with bare patches due to dog spots, heavy traffic or neglect. This means it may need to have grass seed applied  to fill in those bare spots. This landscaping solution is known as overseeding. A slow-release nitrogen fertilizer is applied when overseeding. Five weeks after the grass germinates, a quick-release nitrogen fertilizer should be applied.

Spring is not the best time for overseeding, as fall is preferred. The new grass won’t have to compete with crabgrass. Unless the situation is dire and very bare, it might be recommended to put this chore off until the fall.

What about fertilizing? Lawns can be fertilized organically using compost, mulch, and mulching mowers. Chemical fertilizers can also be purchased for use on lawns, and there are proper schedules for fertilizing. Experts may recommend a lighter feeding of fertilizer in spring saving heavier feedings to be done in late fall. Be aware that too much fertilizer in spring can lead to disease and weed problems through the summer.

More tips on lawn care and landscaping to come.


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