Grass Types – St. Augustine Grass

It’s time to further your education on the types of grass the we commonly use for our lawns and landscapes.  This is the first part in a series on grass types.  It’s important to know which type of grass survives and thrives best in your climate.  Scott’s Identification Tool can help you determine your ideal grass by zip code.

Part 1:  Bermuda Grass

Part 2:  St. Augustine Grass

Part 3:  Zoysia

Part 4:  Bluegrass/Fescue

Part 5:  Dichondra

St Augustine grass (Stenotaphrum secundatum) (also known as Charleston grass in South Carolina) is very well-suited for warm weather climates.  It forms a very thick layer that can require quite a bit of maintenance.  St. Augustine grass is very deep green in color, and has broad, flat blades.  It is known to spread by above ground ‘runners’

It is believed that St. Augustine grass originated in North America, but it is abundantly found in Europe as well.  It occurs most often in Caribbean and Mediterranean areas and other tropical climates.  It grows best in soil that has a ph of between five and eight.

St. Augustine grass is used best in ranches and pastures.  It even rivals the great bermuda grass as the preferred lawn grass for homeowners, although it does have a higher tolerance to drought.

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