Protecting Your Yard for the Winter

Even in the warm, sunny climate of Las Vegas, you’ll need to prepare your yard and your plants for potentially chilly winter temperatures. While the weather is typically much warmer than in other states, there remains a possibility of freezing temperatures during the winter months, which is why you need to protect your foliage from weather-related damage. Landscaping in Las Vegas during the winter requires keeping in mind the following tips:

Protect Your Pipes
If you have an outdoor sprinkler system, the pipes could burst if the temperature falls below freezing. This could flood your yard and disturb the landscaping you worked so hard to create. Start by covering your irrigation backflow device to insulate it from the harsh temperatures. This is often as simple as laying a towel over it and then placing a bucket over the towel to secure it.Also, disconnect garden hoses when not in use and drain all of the water from them. This prevents against your hoses freezing, and disconnecting them protects against damage to your pipes if there happens to be any water left in the hose.

Reduce Watering
During the winter, you only need to water your lawn once a week and possibly even less. If you water too frequently, you can increase the chance of ice forming not only in your yard but also on sidewalks and possibly in your driveway or the street if the water flows out of your yard. This can create a safety hazard for you and for other neighborhood residents.

Mow Your Grass Short
Lower your mower to 1 1/2 inches during the fall months. Cutting the grass this short stimulates it to grow at the crown, thus ensuring a lush lawn.

Fertilize Your Yard
At the end of September or beginning of October, and then one more time in November, fertilize your yard not only to foster new plant and grass growth, but also to protect your lawn against the cold. Choose a balanced fertilizer that contains potassium, nitrogen and phosphorous to keep your yard healthy and vibrant.

Protect Your Plants Against the Cold
When watering your plants during the winter, water them only below the surface and avoid exterior areas such as leaves, flowers and stems. Cover your plants at night to protect against freezing, and also use a nitrogen fertilizer to support your plants throughout the cold winter months.

At Showcase Land Care Service, we provide full landscaping services in Las Vegas. We can help you create the landscape of your dreams and also protect it from the elements so it stays beautiful all year long.

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